Dr Ben Gauntlett’s Inspiring Story

Creating a Better Future for those with Disabilities.
Dr Ben Gauntlett enjoyed playing sport as a teenager, until he suffered a life changing event where he became a quadriplegic. Ben’s focus soon after switched to academics and in 2003 Dr Gauntlett went onto receive a Rhodes Scholarship, where he studied Law at both Oxford and NYU before returning to Australia. Working as a barrister for a number of years led to Ben being appointed the role of Disability Discrimination Commissioner for Australia in 2019. Over his 5 year term, he hopes to further develop the housing and employment opportunities of those with disabilities in Australia. Although Ben has suffered many hardships in his life, he’s never let it get in the way of achieving his goals, he even completed the Rottnest Swim in 2015 with three friends.
Listen to Dr Ben Gauntlett’s Inspiring Story.