Essential Goodbye
Funeral Home Burial
Opportunity for up to 10 family/friends to say goodbye in selected Bowra & O’Dea chapels, Monday to Thursday only. No attendance at cemetery.
To view or print detailed pricing information
Unattended Burial Package
Package price
- Funeral Arrangement Monday to Thursday during office hours by phone, email or at our offices
- Transfer of the deceased into our care within 70km of our Highgate or Mandurah Mortuary
- Respectful preparation and placing of deceased in a cotton garment
- Provision of Essential Coffin
- Viewing for up to 10 people for 45 minutes at our Cannington, Cottesloe, Dianella, Mandurah, Medina, Midland and Perth locations. Monday to Thursday at a time set by Funeral Director.
- Music – We are able to play background music only OR family is permitted to bring own music and device to play it on e.g. IPhone or IPad and a speaker
- Refreshments – Tea, coffee and biscuits – within the 45-minute viewing time
- Registration of death and certified copy of Death Certificate including incomplete certificate if applicable
- Metropolitan Cemetery Board Adult Interment fee
- Grant of Right of Burial (standard MCB lawn grave)
- Medical Papers from Medical Practioner
- Provision of support following the funeral including Trillion Trees Memorial Program
Optional Items
Provided by Bowra & O’Dea
- Standard Preparation (Embalming)
- Upgrade coffin
Provided by Third Party Supplier
- Interment of oversize Coffin/Casket/Hand Digging (only in monumental areas)
- Site selection of exact grave
- Digging fee for deeper than 1.8m
- Removal of Monument
- Grave in location other than standard lawn area
Not Included or Permitted
- Arrangement at the client’s residence
- Dressing Deceased in own clothing
- Please be aware you are not able to add or pay for yourself, additional items including:
- A Funeral Service eg: no Clergy, no Celebrant and no DVD/AV Presentation
- More than 10 People at viewing
- Use of AV equipment
- Funeral notice
- Record of attendance
Terms and Conditions
- If current Grant of Right of Burial (standard MCB lawn grave) is not required then $2,631 will be deducted from total package price
- Payment in full must be made within 72 hours from signing the contract
- Failure to pay on time will result in automatic termination of contract
- The Client must provide information requested in a timely manner
- No alterations to package (including see item 23)
- Prepaid Funeral option available. Administration fee $385, Cemetery preneed interment $95 and Preneed grant $243 applies
- Additional charge of $3.49/per kilometre if place of death is more than 70km from our Highgate or Mandurah Mortuary (specialised transfer vehicle)