Richard Maloney’s Inspiring Story

The Maloney Method.
Richard Maloney is the founder and CEO of both Engage & Grow Global and Quality Mind Global, his programs mentor athletes, businesses and individuals to improve their mental wellbeing, culture, engagement, and leadership. It all started when Richard was drafted for St Kilda Football Club at the ripe age of 18, although it was his long life dream to play AFL at the most elite level, he soon realised he wasn’t mentally equipped to handle the immense pressure that came along with being a sportsman. With 20 years’ experience in the sporting industry, Richard has since worked with hundreds of elite athletes to help support their mental health and has expanded to other industries bringing his culture and leadership methodology to many corporate and government sectors. Since staring out he has been able to grow his business to represent over 80 countries with 220 coaches around the world. As mental health is important as ever right now, Richards’s perspective on life is uplifting and with the tools he provides, it could have a profound effect on your own life.
Listen to Richard Maloney’s Inspiring Story.